From "Silver Ties"...


"Where's that coming from?" Mike asked. Cassidy walked toward the kitchen.

"It's stronger over here." He opened the door to the refrigerator and gaped in horror.

"Oh good Christ!" Mike yelled, coming up behind Cassidy along with the agents. Human body parts on cookie sheets filled two entire shelves. Cassidy slammed the refrigerator door and walked out of the room, into the hallway, past Miller, one of the agents who was puking on the ancient stained carpet. Mike was right behind him, pulling out his radio. Cassidy held onto the wall, trying scrub the image of decomposing genitals and internal organs from his brain but it was too late. Mike called for backup and within a few minutes several patrol officers and homicide had arrived. Over the next two hours, Cassidy and Mike gave their report and then finally, they made it back out to the car, leaving the others to finish up at the scene. The two were silent on the drive back to the station and Cassidy figured that Mike was doing his level best to process what they'd just seen the same way he was. He glanced at his watch. It was six-thirty and they had a half hour drive ahead of them. He was already late for Zack's dinner and he had hours of reports ahead of him. All he could do was cancel. He knew Zack would be disappointed. He texted Zack.

Hey, Zack. Sorry to have to cancel but we had a huge break in the case. He got Zack's text a few seconds later.

It's okay. Come over later?

It's gonna be pretty late. Cassidy really wanted to see Zack, even if it was late.

That's okay. I'll keep dinner warm for you.

Cassidy's heart pounded. How sweet, he thought.

Zack, we know who our killer is. It's Leon. If you hear from him, don't tip him off but call me right away. I'll be there as soon as I can and explain everything.

Yes. Yes. Okay, Cassidy. See you soon and stay safe.

Will do. Cassidy pocketed his phone and stared straight ahead through the windshield as their station came into view. Mike parked the car and the partners walked silently into their cubicle, knowing that they had hours of paperwork ahead of them
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