First kisses and a smooth talker!


"What's wrong, Thom? You don't have to be nervous around me
you know. Are you nervous around me?" Rome asked seriously, letting his
fingers stay planted on either of Thom's shoulders. His hands were large
and warm and controlling, and Thom was hard as a rock under his lab coat
and scrubs. He wanted to shout at Rome and tell him that he was not
nervous, he was turned on and so very horny for him, but even the
simplest of words wouldn't roll off his tongue. "What is it, Thom?" Rome
urged, focused on Thom's gaze.

"Y… you," Thom managed, just before Rome's knowing smile
spread across his lips.

"Good," Rome said, then lowered his head and touched Thom's
lips with his own. In seconds, Thom was under the spell of the giant
warrior who touched him so forcefully. Not a natural submissive, Thom
actually leaned toward a dominating personality. He was more than a little
surprised when he gave up control and allowed Rome to take his mouth
fully in a blistering, open-mouthed kiss. His lips were strong, yet soft and
pliant, working Thom's, and as his tongue swept inside, Thom moved in
closer, slipping his arms around Rome and locking them firmly in place
around his muscled torso. His palms were splayed over the enormous
muscles that rippled beneath the T-Shirt. Rome groaned and pulled Thom
against him, wrapping his arms around Thom's lab coat and running his
hands up and down his back. Thom's cock began to throb, and as Rome
bent slightly, bringing their groins together, he nearly came in his scrubs.
The thin material did nothing to hide his erection and he knew that Rome
must be able to feel it, though the knowledge didn't upset him. It did more
to fuel his excitement than anything.

Thom couldn't breathe as Rome continued to make growly noises,
burying one hand in the hair at the back of Thom's head, tugging at the
short strands, while the other hand held his right hip in place, steadily
grinding his large erection against him. His heart sped up as his mouth was
ravaged by the larger man and somehow, Thom's hands found Rome's ass
cheeks, squeezing them through the soft leather. Rome suddenly ripped his
mouth away, and rested his head against Thom's forehead, staring into his
eyes with their electric-blue depths.

"I thought so," Rome panted. "I'd hoped so." Thom nodded,
panting all on his own. His heart beat a rapid tattoo in his chest.

"Oh… God, me too," he managed to whisper, finally without the
stutter. Rome leaned down and kissed Thom again; this time softer, more
lingering, but just as fuckin' hot. Rome held him close, one hand on his
back and the other in his hair, keeping his head at just the right angle to
kiss him over and over, letting his tongue play softly. Finally, he broke
their connection and stepped back from Thom. Neither one spoke for a
minute; they just stared into each other's eyes, letting their gazes sweep
their express
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